Sunday, October 18, 2009

My first day as a butterfly and I'm screwing it up badly.


Did anybody know that humans are really insects?

I probably experienced the first Pupa and Butterfly experience, unless somebody else experienced it and didn't bother to report it to anybody else.

There have been so few people who've been "enlightened" earlier, using the "normal" techniques you learn in Hinduism or Buddhism.

Best regards,

Ken Parker, Seattle, Washington

Friday, October 16, 2009

Multiple Realities Exist. Film at 11.

That stupid Balloon story with the kid? Simple. One side of the mirror, he was in the Balloon, the other, he was in the Attic!

What could be simpler? Mirror, mirror on the wall.

I believe this is the wedge for us (Michael Teachings, Seth Teachings, etc) to get more mainstream.

Best regards,

Ken Parker, Seattle, Washington