Obviously, conversational issues like this can draw out Impatience in the person on the other side of the conversation. ("Hey! Get to the Point! I don't have all day!) Professionally, it can be a disaster, where a prospective Client goes with another company, who has a Spokesperson who gets to the point faster. And, in a relationship, the Significant Other may decide to Significantly go Elsewhere for conversation.
Many of us use computers. With Browsers. Browsers have Bookmarks to, hopefully, be able to find what you were doing the other day, or an important personal topic for you. When Bookmarks are organized, they work well as an Index to Pages you visited. In many of these Browsers, you can make Categories for these Bookmarks. These are actually folders. Unfortunately, Bookmarks can get unwieldy, and hard to search through. And, when I finally found Bookmark Manager in Chrome, I found a glitch, where there was a folder inside one of the Bookmark Folders. Chrome, apparently doesn't support this, which is why I had been unable to find what I was looking for, when on the phone and the computer.
The Punishment was severe, where lots of Bookmarks were provided, almost randomly, and only a couple of the folders could be searched.
This was fixed last night (Wednesday), where I found the offending Folder and deleted it. It feels good to be able to look up my recent memories through Bookmarks! See, our Brain is our own, personal Supercomputer. I have found correlations that are fascinating to me. When you are typing into your computer, things you want to know, you are also asking the other layers of your Brain. And so, if there are Glitches in your Computer, could there be any correlation with your Brain? When I fixed that Folder Glitch, Relief was quick.