Thursday, January 8, 2009

An extremely vivid dream: Nano-technology may be closer than we think!

This dream begins with me meeting three scientists, one of whom I know and trust from my days at Stanford University. I'm not even sure what city this dream takes place in, as the beginning of the dream is foggy. These people drove me to a research facility, telling me along the way that they were investigating Nano-Technology. The windows were blacked out, so I have no idea of where this laboratory is.

They brought me to an extremely clean-looking room with a microscope in the middle, with a slide in it. The slide had printed circuits on it, with miniature wires going to elsewhere in the room. There were few words spoken, as they wanted to see how well I could figure out for myself what was happening. First, they let me look into the microscope, where I saw a miniaturized Apartment Building, coincidentally looking like the same one I live in. Then, they had me stand on a platform with a pattern in the middle in the shape of my shoes, and told me to stand exactly there, stand still, and gave me a shot. The transition took about a minute (with the movie, "Honey, I shrunk the Kids" going through my mind). I then found a single-manned vehicle, looking like something out of the old, Jetson's TV cartoon series, in close walking distance to me. I walked to it, got in, sat down and closed the door. It was automated, started up, and "flew" me to what I assume was the slide in the Microscope.

The trip took about an hour or so, with absolutely breathtaking, and extremely colorful scenery on the way. (I would even have trouble putting it all in words!) I walked off of the craft and onto a grid pattern, with only my Apartment building a few minutes walk, in front of me. My keys worked fine, and I went into my Apartment and looked around. Same old, messy Ken Parker apartment. (Give me a break!! I'm a pack rat, for heaven's sake! LOL!) After looking around for a bit, I went to my computer, finding an email waiting for me from the guy I knew, telling me to respond back to him with a capsule summary of my experience. I did so, telling them how exhilarating, breathtaking, and illuminating the experience was. They responded back, telling me that this was a short-term experiment that would fizzle shortly, suggesting that I go to bed within 15 minutes. I told them, Sure, Thank you, and complied. I woke up, and everything is fine now. The emails to and from the scientists are not on my current computer system, and I do not feel I need to call them. (Just an Essence nudge in that direction, as well as to honor their privacy, allowing them to continue these experiments).

Wonderful how dream technology has grown, isn't it?

Feel free to post comments to this BLOG entry. Note that I'm extremely interested in multi-dimensional dreams, and/or dreams having to do with Multiple Universes.


Ken Parker in Seattle