Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Post so Incredibly off topic, that I had to create a new BLOG


I was about to put my experiences with homeless people and the Seattle Police Department as a POST on this BLOG, but stopped myself, as I'm breaking every law on the book, regarding being an effective Blogger.

You, too, can only imagine how off topic that post must have been if I just created, on the spot, "Dream Social Worker".

I'm still working on the business cards for this new business (but one I've been doing in my dreams for years). I'll have the cards cobbled up in a few days, but I already have the Tag Line:

"You might already be my client".

Have fun!

Strangest Time Paradox Ever!!!


I've been encountering the strangest, long-term Time Paradox, that I ever have encountered in my life!!! Others, here in Seattle know about it also. And there's even a book by that title!

It must be pretty important, if Philip Zimbardo and John Boyd saw fit to write this book!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sorry, the book title that's needed.


I put a post out there, a minute or so ago, to mention a book title that I hope somebody wrote.

"Configuring Universes for Dummies".

I'm serious. No, serious! Because my mis-configuration can cause deathes in the world, if I don't get the configuration errors corrected by, about next Thursday. And that would be truly rude and inconsiderate of me!

Thank you and best regards,

Ken Parker

Unlike the last two posts or so, this post will accept General Comments. And, if they are serious (not pranks or SPAM), they will be published. (Don't include emails or phone numbers, unless you want a private call or email. But then, the comment won't be published on my BLOG, as I firmly believe in privacy. Yes, this means that I will never publish personal info on any of my BLOGS, at least ones that have Comment Moderation on them).

A book that's needed


Does anybody out there know how to configure a Universe? This one is misconfigured, and is merged with a Parallel of the standard, Physical Universe. (Yes, I know! How careless of me!)

Any serious responses can be put in as comments. Please leave you email and phone number. I will edit out phone numbers for your privacy.

Any crank responses will be deleted without posting, as Comment Moderation has been turned on.

Thank you and best regards,

Ken Parker

Two Days of Meditation. It's really quite pleasant if you know how to do it, and Refreshing, too.

Hello there,

People who know me on Facebook, know that, sometime about, maybe a couple days or so (since Wednesday, July 18th Subject time), saw me change my profile to "Meditating".

And, today, I finally started sounding lucid. And changed it again.

I have a huge story to tell about this Universe, as it's the reason for the huge glitches in Physical Universe for the last 25 years or so.

Best regards,

Ken Parker, Seattle, Washington


Feel free to post your grumbles and personal stories about where you were for the last 25 years! My comment line is open, but I need to turn moderaion on, because I suspect I'll get some "hate mail" from those who resent my "meddling in Physical Reality". Because I need to get to work and "reconfigure physical reality" so people can get their Intellect back. (You know, the Intellect can actually be a nice thing to have).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Analog to Digital Conversion is Complete.

We did it! We digitized the Universe. Details to follow.

Hint: Expect a lot of Deja Vu experiences, as well as Coincidences, synchronicities and a wealth of dream experience.

One point: We cleaned out the crud in the dream realm, which appears to me to be the Republican Party Platform. Hopefully, the people involved will be be able to pick up the left overs.

But I am reminded of what has happened in my life. I suspect that there is a point where a person becomes a book. Write it! People will be wondering what others experienced on this day.