Friday, April 13, 2012

Quantum Universe as a Tool

My experience as the Eye Blink Universe (as a caretaker and troubleshooter) is interesting.  When I walk down the street in a city (i.e. Seattle), it's as if I have a circle around me, of my Universe, about a block in diameter.  So, yes, even a microscopic, quantum universe can pack a wallup!

As far as I know, every Human Being is a Universe unto him/herself.  They have their cells, in their body.  (And I've posted before that I'll answer "How many Universes are there anyway?" with a question, "How many cells are there in a human body?"  See my Jumbled Universes blog for more on parallel universes).

I am a Troubleshooter (My motto:  "I look for trouble, and shoot it").  This Eye Blink Universe is a tool, to zoom in on an issue I am called to.  Somebody will "start me up", to troubleshoot something that is wrong in the Universe.  For example, how can it be that we are free and clear of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf, when there is still evidence of leaks, in that area?  So we (this Diagnostic Universe) is there, keeping tabs on the spill site.

One issue we have is gun violence.  I'm simultaneously posting on my Facebook wall, using this article as I also post this information to this BLOG. I'm watching Jennifer Granholm, and the hue and cry is, "Let's regulate guns.  Please get the violence out of our cities!

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