Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Universe Time Slice has just been taken.

Hello folks,

This is routine.  Nothing to worry about.  We're just investigating an incident that occurred on, and around the George Washington Bridge, on September 9th, 2013.  On that day, two of three lanes were closed to traffic from New Jersey to New York.  This, unfortunately, continued for a few days, which we are investigating, with the help of all of our agencies.

So we magnified those days, with some before and after, and have them safely in storage.  Our forensic experts will use this data for the purpose of determining if there were political reasons for causing major traffic upsets.  This may lead to other investigations, of course.  There should be no issues, except if you are psychic, where you might be able to see, hear, and in some cases, contact employees of the Department of Infrastructure, who are working on this issue.  Some of them may look like me.

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Wayne Parker, Troubleshooter, Eye Blink Universe.

  --"I'm a Troubleshooter.  I look for trouble and shoot it".

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