Saturday, December 14, 2013

Expansion and Contraction. Could it be as simple as breathing in and out?

Welcome back, folks.  In my last post, I expressed that, when you expand too fast, you have a tendency to explode.  And then, you need to find a way of regenerating yourself back to what you were.  On Earth, for example, there is an analog version of regeneration called birth and/or cloning.  In other words, if you "lose" a body, you might need to take a "stem cell" from it, and use it to "grow the body back".  Very complicated.  

So this should teach you that expanding too quickly might not be a good idea.  If you expand slower, you can expand, and then contract.  Your chest cavity does this now, using your lungs to breath air in, and breath carbon dioxide out.  My experience "running" the Eye Blink Universe shows that it also expands and contracts.  But, due to overpopulation of certain areas in this Universe, people tend to move into expansion areas, but then stay there, when the contraction begins.  Unfortunately, this is not comfortable!  In body terms, this can show up in chronic pain, anywhere in the body.  In my case, I could get migraine headaches, if I was not careful to "clean up" after myself.  

There will be more later.  I wanted to bring up these two topics, however, as they will help with understanding the nature of the Universe we live in.

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